
Incentives for local socioeconomic development

Encouraging local socioeconomic development is one of Qair’s priorities. When implementing projects, we get involved in the reality of communities and seek to understand how we can help and what we can do to turn dreams into reality.

As an example of this, it’s the work carried out in the community of Canafístula, in the municipality of Afonso Bezerra, Rio Grande do Norte. Through the Community Association, the region’s residents found the potential in beekeeping as the main economic activity in the region and carry out the entire production process, from raising bees to processing honey.

Success came quickly and soon the challenge for the workers was to increase production to keep up with the demand. As a way to contribute to the activity, Qair Brasil donated several beekeeping kits to the community.

Another Qair poignant action with communities is related to water security, working on the construction of cisterns in homes subject to extreme drought and inhumane conditions. The action is part of an adaptation strategy to reduce the impact of the drought on the poorest population in the northeast region, in the Brazilian semiarid region.

In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, we also promoted the delivery of around 700 food supply kits to the population of the Trairi region, Ceará. The communities of Curralinho, Cajueiro Ferrado, Serrote, Matões, Volta do Córrego, Olho D’água, Estivas, Ubaia, Panã were involved, all located in the areas of direct and indirect influence of the wind and solar-photovoltaic projects of Serrote and Serra do Mato. Another Qair action to make a difference in people’s lives.