Projects in development

Projects in development

In 2021, the Qair group established an understanding with the Brazilian state of Cear a for an investment of 5.85 billion euros for the production of green hydrogen and offshore wind energy.

The total planned investment is US$ 6.95 billion, generating 2,000 jobs during the construction of the plants and 600 direct jobs when the projects are fully operational. There are about US$ 3.8 billion for the green hydrogen  Liberdade plant, a project to be installed in the Ceará Export Processing Zone (ZPE) of the Pecém Complex, starting in four phases, and another US$ 3 billion for offshore wind farm in Acaraú, a municipality further west on the coast of the state.

The initiative in Ceará will be developed at the Dragão do Mar Maritime Wind Complex, with offshore generation, and then transform it into green hydrogen.

Qair Brazil also foresees a second Green Hydrogen plant in the sea port of Suape, in the state of Pernambuco. The project proposes the installation of four sets of water electrolysers in areas located in the complex, in investments that could reach R$ 20 billion in the coming years.

Green hydrogen (H2V) is generated from electricity from 100% renewable energy through a process called water electrolysis, which is the separation of oxygen and hydrogen and its use is mainly intended for the agricultural industry with fertilizers.

A new and broad market can be developed in the country, encompassing sectors of transport, electric generation, energy storage and industrial processes, to allow the recovery of the economy with acceleration of the transition of the energy matrix, as well as the fulfillment of the goals foreseen in the Agreement of Paris. International studies indicate that by 2050 hydrogen in all its forms will be responsible for 18% of global energy consumption.